Event Full: Depave event at Stonebridge Apartments

Join us with our partners at Depave to remove 1,500 square feet of impermeable asphalt from the parking lot at Stonebridge apartments, who regularly have trouble with flooding on their lot. Our partners at Depave will train everyone on the best way to safely remove pavement for the day! No experience necessary! Pre-registration is required, […]

Habitat Enhancement at Leach Botanical Garden

Join us in removing invasive weeds from the Leach Botanical Garden! This work helps to create new spaces and supports our collaborative Back 5 educational project. No experience necessary!   The Leach Botanical Garden is a hidden gem in outer SE Portland. Beyond the manicured paths of the garden are several acres of forests and […]

Event Full – Geology of Johnson Creek Pub Talk

Did you know?! The geology of the Portland Basin cradles Johnson Creek — from headwaters in our youngest geologic deposits, westward through the oldest rocks in the metro area — and shapes the watershed’s hydrology.  Grab a pint at Double Mountain Brewery and dive into the Geology of the Portland Basin and Johnson Creek Watershed […]

Brannen Natural Area Stewardship Day

Please join Portland Parks and Recreation and the Crystal Springs Partnership for a Stewardship Day at Brannen Natural Area! Tending to this important natural area will positively impact the health of Crystal Springs Creek and the surrounding habitat. Registration is required. Please register here. What: We will be cutting blackberry, pruning trees and shrubs, and spreading […]

Warbler Walk at Scouters Mountain

It is Spring migration season for Warblers! Join us on this trail walk to learn more about these colorful songbirds. For many bird watchers, warblers are the highlight of the migration season, and they never disappoint! Although small in size, warblers are not always difficult to see as they are active feeders, brightly colored, and […]

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