Welcome Back, Sima
It is our pleasure to welcome back Sima Seumalo as our AmeriCorps member this year! After a full and exciting term as our Outreach and Riparian Specialist last year, she […]
From Brass Knuckles to Disco Shoes: The Quirky Finds of the Annual Johnson Creek Clean-Up
What do brass knuckles, a boat, and a stuffed dinosaur have in common? They are some of the weirdest coolest things that were pulled out of the creek during this […]
What’s That Weed?
Introduced species: Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) Characteristics: Tree of Heaven—also called Chinese sumac or stinking sumac—is one of the great misnomers in the plant world. It is a weedy, fast-growing […]
What’s That Weed?
Introduced species: Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) Characteristics: American pokeweed is a large, smooth, branching herb from a substantial perennial rootstock, with green, red, or purple stems usually reaching about 4-6 feet […]
What’s That Weed?
Introduced species: Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) Characteristics: Giant hogweed is a very large member of the carrot family, reaching as much as 4.5 m (15 ft) in height. First-year growth […]