Annual Celebration postponed to Oct 13

Dear Friends of Johnson Creek Watershed Council,

As you’ve probably guessed, we will not be holding our 25th Anniversary Celebration in late May, our usual time for the Annual Celebration.  Our new date is Tuesday, October 13, again at Kaul Auditorium at Reed College.  We’ll touch base with you in mid-summer to to confirm that we’re able to hold the event at the new date.

In the mean time, we will be holding a VIRTUAL RETROSPECTIVE on 25 years of Johnson Creek Watershed Council work and play on our original date, Thursday, May 28.  We’ll be sending out more information in a few weeks.  We hope you can join us virtually.

The JCWC Staff & Board hope that this message finds you and your family healthy and in good spirits.

Best wishes,

Daniel Newberry, Executive Director

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