Crystal Springs Creek, from Bybee Blvd to Reed Canyon Lake

Date of survey: 03/23/2017
Volunteers: Alvey, Adrienne Moat

This section has many areas of knee deep mud that are difficult to walk in even with waders, so surveying from the bank is probably easiest. In the first half, through Eastmoreland Golf Course, there were lots of golfers, some of them had questions about what we were there for. Faster currents in some areas made it difficult to determine if we were actually looking at a redd or not. Further upstream there is more wildlife in the Reed Canyon area, and also more people/students to talk to about the area. One golfer told us he had seen Salmon spawning in the golf course area before. We saw a few trees that had been gnawed by beavers which was exciting! Also, a heron was out wading in the creek in the Reed Canyon area. No fish sightings, and no redd sightings, unfortunately.

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