Help Johnson Creek while you shop at Fred Meyer!

Are you a Fred Meyer shopper? If you are, you can help us earn donations from Fred Meyer by using your rewards card every time you shop. All you have to do is sign up for their community rewards program.

ALREADY SIGNED UP? JULY 1 IS THE TIME TO RENEW for those of you who already are part of the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program.


Go to the Fred Meyer Community Rewards page by clicking here

Scroll down and under “Are you a Fred Meyer Customer?” click “re-enroll or link your Rewards Card now









Sign into your Fred Meyer account








Scroll down to “Community Rewards” and press the “Enroll” button









Type in our name, “Johnson Creek” and click “Search” to bring up our organization in blue

Click the bubble next to our name, then press “Enroll” – once you see the green confirmation, you’re all set!

Now every time you use your rewards card, Fred Meyer will donate a portion of its proceeds to help the Johnson Creek Watershed Council. Thank you so much for your support!

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