Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 01/02/2018.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Species removed: none.
Estimated percent cover before removal0.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed0.

Visited the southwest of the property to see progress of the new beaver dam. Boy are they busy! Besides felling a number of small trees, the dam is already two feet high at the outlet of Erroll Creek. A very large area of the “back yard” is now flooded. The planting areas by Friends of Trees is not yet threatened, as it is higher ground both north and south. This is developing quickly.
More ducks are using the new space. I saw a new species there, I believe they were American Wigeons. I’ll post a picture and you can judge. I took pictures documenting the change in dam size, and will compare them to ones from last month when I first noticed a new dam taking shape. I’ll also place a water depth measure there so I can watch changes.
I walked the rest of the trail, too. It’s surprising how open the area looks now. By the bridge, the small dam above the bridge has changes little; no water flow over the trail. In the pond below the bridge a small dam is constructed across the isthmus, but no water level difference is apparent.
All in all, the critters have not been on holiday, but hard at work. I’ll have to visit more often to keep up.

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