Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 02/02/2018.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

Entered on 45th street and soon noticed that the pond level was down. The beaver dam had been breached slightly at the creek outlet. Not a dramatic breach, but enough to change the square footage that is flooded. Water level down six inches by my measurements.
Lots of ducks using the pond, and some geese. I suspect some are getting ready for nesting season. Indian Plum is opening flowers, and spotted some skunk cabbage spathes opening as well. I had a chance to get some pictures of interesting fungi on downed trees, that I’ll submit to iNaturalist; I’m not good at fungus ID .
Next time the nightshade may be leafing out so I can start pulling it out. Spring is definitely here in the park.

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