Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 07/21/2018.
Site Name: Errol Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

From the 45th street sidewalk, the new pond is growing. Warm weather is bringing out lots of dragonflies – whitetails, cardinal meadowhawks, 8-spots, green darners and more. Thanks to the dragonfly surveys I can identify some! Duck population has dwindled as the youngsters fly off to parts unknown. Not seeing any more wood ducks.
I found another patch of clematis growing through ninebark near the eastern pond. Pulled out the vines that weere heading upward. I’ll need to cut back and dig the mother plants on a cooler day. I deadheaded lots of canada thistle to slow down the seed supply, but more is coming. Most of it is on the dry western side by 45th street.
No campers or loiterers seen here in the lower natural area, actually its been pretty rare this summer. Just a few walkers.

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