Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 07/27/2019.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

Quiet day at Erroll Heights. The pond by 45th street is growing little by little. Beaver and nutria seem to be teaming up on it. Much of the area next to the road is now marshy as water flows around the creek channel.
I spent time deadheading thistle and tansy, as much as I could. At least I can slow down the re-seeding. I was happy to see dead clematis vines where I had cut them back near the pond.I flagged the stems so I can come back for them later.
Natures Notebook entries: most of the berries have now dropped all of their fruit. Salmonberry, elderberry, thimbleberry and osoberry have all dropped. The snowberry is still ripening, turning into white globes, and the ninebark seed is ripening as well.
The ponds are all covered in duckweed and algae, except for near the bridge outflows. Water temp is 69 degrees near the creek, probably warmer in shallow areas, so its not surprising it’s all green.
Back next week to check progress.

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