Mitch Schneiter

Date of volunteer work: 07/29/2018.
Site Name: Indian Creek Natural Area.
Number of hours worked: 0.5.
Field notes:

I entered the natural area via the main trail off of SE Knapp. Almost immediately, off to the right of that trail is a blue tent. I originally reported this tent and another tent beside it on the 25th. The other tent is gone but this one remains. I didn’t see anyone and it was sealed up so I don’t know if it’s abandoned or not.
After seeing the tent I went back down the trail to SE Knapp and walked along the road towards the Falls. As I walked along the road I discovered where someone has made a campsite right next to the road behind some of the cement barriers. The campsite includes a rock fire pit (unused as of this morning) complete with a stack of wood. I reported 2 suspicious loaded down vehicles unloading items onto the cement barriers at that spot yesterday. I didn’t know if they were setting up a camp or dumping garbage.
I started to continue up the road to Indian Creek and the falls when I heard a loud engine and tires squealing. The car was up the road and across from the falls, where criminals often strip and dump cars. It sped down the hill burning rubber with the back end fishtailing wildly from side to side. As it neared the bottom of the hill it spun and did a couple doughnuts as it headed in my direction. I actually thought it was going to roll over as it was coming toward me. I quickly started up the nearby trail and luckily the driver regained control and sped back up the road the way he came from, still burning rubber. About halfway up the hill he spun the car around again, just as another car appeared at the top of the hill. He revved the engine, burned more rubber and raced down the hill past me and out of sight. I was a bit shaken to say the least.
I continued toward the falls and saw 2 vehicles parked next to the grassy area next to Indian Creek. An SUV with a couple people and a small car in front of it with a number of car parts spread around it. I don’t know if they were working on it or stripping it. I didn’t ask or stick around. I left the area and then called and left a message on the Ranger Line reporting the fire pit and activity ajacent to the falls.

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