Our Wonderful Spring Interns

The Johnson Creek Watershed Council works with many interns each year, from bilingual, community science data, to watershed engagement interns. They keep the wheels at the council turning, working in seasonal cohorts to recruit volunteers, manage data, acquire donations, create events, provide IT and event support, and spread the word via social and traditional media outlets. They each bring unique perspectives, skills, and passions to our work. Our interns know that environmental and nonprofit jobs in the Portland area are competitive, and that having direct work experience through an internship will bolster their resume and set them ahead of other candidates. Interns serve a minimum of 100 hours, often balancing work, school, and family life. We simply couldn’t do our work without them. Thank you to our spring interns! Check out their bios below:

Tosha Sketo – Watershed Engagement Intern

Hi! I’m Tosha Sketo, and I’m from a big farm on the Florida/Alabama line. My professional background is in print journalism, and I have a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Florida. I moved to Portland nine years ago and absolutely fell in love with this city and my community. Since arriving, I’ve volunteered for more conservation organizations than I can list, doing everything from leading amphibian egg mass surveys to installing and monitoring Purple Martin colonies. I spent three years as a leader for the Oregon Zoo’s Environmental Conservation Outreach team, where I had the good fortune of connecting with so many wonderful humans. I love this work! I also love enjoying and experimenting with all art forms, excellent food and wine, hiking, dancing at shows and good conversations with genuine people.  I’m looking forward to getting to know you all!

Becky Dorff – Watershed Engagement Intern

Hi, my name is Becky! I am originally from Wisconsin but left when I was 18 years old to attend college at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Since graduating college, I spent 4 years working in Alaska on commercial fishing boats collecting fisheries data for the National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game. This was a very unique experience where I was working and living on various boats in the Bering Sea. I learned a lot but eventually wanted to get my feet back on sturdy ground, so I moved to Portland in 2014 after visiting a friend here and falling in love with the city. I ended up spending the summer in John Day working for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife conducting habitat surveys for Steelhead, Chinook, and Coho. I left Portland for a job in Colorado where I spent a winter season collecting data for a mountain lion study with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. I quickly moved farther up the mountains to indulge my love for alpine skiing. I spent 3.5 years working as a 911 dispatcher in Breckenridge, CO. I learned so much from this experience but eventually grew tired of the hours and stress of the job and decided to apply for graduate school. I was fortunate to be accepted to PSU’s Environmental Science Department where I am now working towards a Master of Environmental Management. I am focusing my thesis research on the history of human modifications to the Johnson Creek floodplain and the implications for flood management over time. I have always been drawn to water and love the outdoors. Some of my favorite things to do include hiking, backpacking, skiing, camping, going to concerts, and trail running. When I graduate, I hope to find a job working for either a nonprofit, government agency, or consulting company to help protect and restore a waterbody.

Laura Roberts – Social Media Intern

My name is Laura Roberts, a Communication Studies major at Portland State University. Here are a few things about me:

  • I was born in Seaside, Oregon.
  • So far I’ve traveled to five countries: Costa Rica, Mexico, Albania, Canada, and Panama.
  • In my free time I enjoy hiking, road trips, painting, and reading.
  • I have a cat named Sammy (pictured).
  • I’ve been vegan for three years.
  • My parents almost named me Julia when I was born. That’s right, my name was going to be Julia Roberts.
  • My previous work experience has been in finance and technical support so this internship will be much needed change for me.

I’m excited to be here and look forward to getting to know all of you!

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