Sue Hayes

Date of volunteer work: 02/09/2017.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park.
Number of hours worked: 2.0.
Species removed: clematis/blackberry.
Estimated percent cover before removal60/30.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed6/6.

I was instantly greeted by the old dog, Chip, who has made the wild side of Johnson Creek Park his turf. Together we walked down to the creek. I wanted to check on some of the plants that had been planted in late January to see if they’d survived the recent rains. I saw some flags, but the creek was high so it’s hard to tell if they’re still in the ground. Chip just wanted a drink. Then I headed to the main focus of work for the day which was to dig out a couple of clematis stumps i’d left from last year. After that, I continued removing and cutting back blackberries and more clematis before they really get going in spring. Chip got bored and left. I went over to the north area of the park to see how things were there. It looked as though the creek flowed right on through at some point since there was a bit of debris and a lot of water in places where there usually isn’t any. A small amount of trash was left on a concrete divider so I grabbed that on my way out. I was a great day to be out there.

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