THANK YOU Watershed Wide Volunteers!

A big THANK YOU to all of  you who took part in Watershed Wide 2017!

An estimated 370 volunteers came out to plant 7,000 native trees and shrubs, remove 5 acres of invasive species, and eat 39 pizzas!!!

There are so many jobs putting on Watershed Wide. 20 special volunteers helped organize and manage the event as site leaders, some of you ran errands preparing for the big day, bought, cleaned and organized tools, and invited friends and family to come take part. Thank you so much for all of your work to make this a phenomenal day.

Help us make our events better and better! Please fill out our survey here:

Thanks to our photographers Dianna Choi, Bruce MacGregor, Caz Zyvatkauskas, Nick Pai, Monica Gration, and Chris Keizur.

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