The fall cohort of interns at Wisdom of the Elders came out in force to help jump-start revegetation efforts at Mitchell Creek, the site of a major pond removal project this summer. Though the stream is no longer burdened with a giant, heat-absorbing backwater, it still lacks canopy, and temperatures recorded this summer indicate we have work to do!
The Wisdom Workforce crew has been very active on this site throughout summer and fall, working on invasive species control and helping the stream to settle into its new, pond-free status. A fresh crop of interns eagerly joined in these efforts last month by taking the next step: planting! Stands of well-established willow and cottonwood trees on the site inspired us to do some live-staking–cuttings from these species, if planted during the dormant season, will root out in place and grow into new trees. The interns picked up the technique quickly, and by the end of a day, they had “made” and planted 300 new trees on the site!
Wisdom’s collaboration with JCWC on this site will continue, thanks to funding from Metro’s Nature in Neighborhoods grant program; additional planting will happen this winter and next, with continued weed control slated during the growing season to allow new plantings to establish. With these efforts, stream temperatures in Mitchell Creek should decrease measurably in a few years’ time.