Welcome Bilingual Nature Interns

We are excited to be working with Helen Chen and Khan Tung! Read on to find out more about them, their roles, and what inspired them to work with us.

Helen Chen
Focus Language for Internship: Mandarin

Helen Chen is a Bilingual Intern at Johnson Creek Watershed Council. They are currently a junior attending Westview High School. They like to listen to music, watch anime, and go on walks in their free time. Living in Oregon for 7 years, a place filled with amazing sceneries and an appreciation for nature, they grew to find interest in environmental restoration. They are so excited to work with Johnson Creek Watershed Council to increase accessibility for the Chinese community in terms of environmental justice.

陈欣悦 (Helen Chen)是Johnson Creek Watershed Council 的双语实习生。她在Westview高中上十一年级。在她休闲的时候,她喜欢听音乐,看动漫,或在外面散步。住在俄勒冈州七年之后,她逐渐的对环境保护产生了兴趣。俄勒冈充满了了不起的风景,她理所当然开始更欣赏大自然了。她非常兴奋能当上 Johnson Creek Watershed Council 的实习生,而很希望可以增加华人社区在环境保护的可及性。

Khan Tung
Focus Language for Internship: Zomi

Khan Tung is a bilingual intern with Johnson Creek Watershed Council. He came to the U.S in 2015 with his mom and his younger sister. He worked at the City of Gresham from 2017-2019 as a summer intern, in the DES department, doing natural resources and storm drains, as well as other tasks through the City that helped him grow academically and socially. He interned in 2020-2021 with the Columbia Slough Watershed Council through PGE position at Stewardship Director and Community Engagement & Volunteer Director. He just finished his second year of college and is working on a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. He is also very interested in acting. He wrote a script for Zomi Catholic Community of Portland which was acted by himself and other youths on a Parents’ Day. The play was about how the living standard is very different in the United States than back in Myanmar. He is excited to work for the Johnson Creek Watershed and very keen to learn everything he can from every direction that he moves into.

Khan Tung pen Johnson Creek Watershed Council ah paunam nih cih bulphuh in na a sep laitak a hihi. A mah pen a nu leh a sanggam nu tawh 2015 kum in US tung hi. 2017 pan 2019 ciang khuakhal hunsung in City of Gresham ah, DES department sung ah, natural resources leh storm drains pan mun ah nasem in, a dang a tuamtuam a ma mimal i phattuam na ding natam pi zong sep beh lai hi. Tua bek thamlo in, 2020 pan 2021 sung PGE tungtawn in Columbia Slough Watershed ah, Stewardship Director leh Community Engagement & Volunteer Director pan mun len in nasem leuleu hi. A mah pen college kum nih na man lian in, Environmental Science tawh kum li na buaih la ding in a hanciam mahmah laii tak a hihi. A mah pen, kineih lam zong lunglut mahmah a, a beisa nu leh pa pawi khat in Zomi Catholic Community of Portland khangno te tawh a ma i gelh ngiat limlak khawm uh hi. Tua a limlak i thu a hi leh, US leh kawlgam nuntak khuasak kilam dan zia a hihi. A mah pen Johnson Creek Watershed ah nasep ding a lawpbek thamlo in, kim leh paam pan a sintheih bangbang zong sinnuam in a lunggulh mahmah a hihi.

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