Welcome Lents Youth Initiative Interns!

We are excited to be working with Liana Kucher and Dima Betros from the Lents Youth Initiative Program through the non-profit Rose Community Development! Read on to find out more about them, their roles, and what inspired them to work with us.

Liana Kucher, She/They

My name is Liana Kucher. I am 16 years old and a Junior at David Douglas High School. I spend most of my time watching anime, reading manga, listening to music, or doing some sort of physical activity. I love to get my heart rate running! I don’t have any careers set in the future. I just hope whatever I end up doing, I am proud of what I do and I can use my skills to help others. One of my long time dreams/goals is to be able to travel around the world and meet people from different backgrounds. I don’t know how realistic that is but my hope is that I am able to fulfill my dream in the future. I also really love nature and the environment that I live in. I love to educate others about it too. I hope with this internship I am able to learn a bit more about environmental justice, and use that to teach others.

Dima Betros, She/Her

My name is Dima Betros. I am 18 years old. I love the sunshine and going on picnics and dancing with my friends. I just graduated from Lake Oswego High School and will be attending PCC in the fall. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a doctor and I still do. Hopefully I will get to finish school in San Diego and become a doctor there. Being a doctor and working with LYI require some of the same skills which is why I am grateful to be part of this team. 

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