Beautify Powell Butte-Plant wildflowers with us!

It’s not every day that we get to plant FLOWERS!
We’ll be planting the very special Camas, (which is a historically important food source for native Americans in the area) and some of the following native wildflowers:
Douglas Aster
Meadow checkerbloom
We are teaming up with Portland Parks and Recreation to plant some native wildflowers. We’d love it if you could come to join us. And we’d extra love it if you could tell a friend, or put a team together to come out and volunteer!
Planting with us is a great way to help restore native habitat, meet new friends, and be a part of the Powell Butte legacy!

WHEN: Friday, Oct 27, 2017 from 9am-12pm

WHERE: Powell Butte Nature Park. 16160 SE Powell Blvd . Meet by the information center near the bathrooms.



HOW TO PREPARE: Dress for the weather, bring a water bottle, and bring a friend! We will provide tools and water. (Maybe snacks if we are lucky!)

Email to sign up.






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