Dragonfly Survey Training – Saturday June 3rd

Do you want to learn about the stunning dragonflies in your neighborhood? Sign up today to become a dragonfly surveyor! As a dragonfly surveyor, you will help JCWC document the distribution of dragonfly and damselfly species throughout Johnson Creek. Scientists are beginning to understand that migratory dragonfly distribution can be an indicator of wetland quality.

On Saturday June 3rd from 9:30am-4:30pm Entomologist extraordinaire Celeste Searles Mazzacano and JCWC staff will host a Dragonfly Orientation. This Orientation will give you training in survey protocols, identification skills, and will connect you to other wildlife enthusiasts. No previous experience is required. The orientation will be held at the JCWC Offices (1900 SE Milport Rd, Suite B, Milwaukie). RSVP HERE.

How the surveys work: Volunteers will work on a team to conduct weekly surveys of selected sites in the Johnson Creek watershed. A commitment of approximately four surveys (one survey per month) from June through September is required. Surveys take approximately two hours, not including travel time.

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