Mitch Schneiter

Date of volunteer work: 07/16/2018.
Site Name: Indian Creek/Veterans Creek Natural Areas.
Number of hours worked: 1.
Field notes:

I entered Veterans Creek Natural Area from the main Mt. Scott Blvd entrance. I immediately noticed trash in the creek and at the lower spot often used by illegal campers. I cleaned up the big mess there less than a week ago and now it’s covered in garbage once again. And more new trash along the road/trail.
I then walked to Indian Creek. I had avoided going there over the weekend as there was a 20 foot RV and a couple cars parked next to one of the main trails. It had been there since at least Thursday night. I first reported it on Friday morning.
The RV is still there. It has a large awning/tent set up next to it and garbage and full garbage bags strewn around.
I entered the area on the trail that leads up to the falls and spotted a new tent on the flat spot south of the boulders. New garbage has been left above the falls. And as usual new piles of human waste and toilet paper. I left and immediately reported the illegal camper and also reported the RV again.

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