Seeking In-kind gifts for our Silent Auction

Want to help JCWC with our silent auction?  We are starting our requests for in-kind donations for our silent auction to be held May 23 at our Annual Celebration.

Are you able to donate a service or item or have a connection to a business that might want to help us to have a successful silent auction?

A one or two-night stay in a vacation home is another great auction item. Would you be willing to donate this, or know anyone who might?

Are you creative, or like to make things? We are looking for people to help us create a ‘garden’ themed package with a creek and environment focus. Maybe you already have something just waiting to find a home. Or something in mind that you could make by May 1st. Some ideas in the photo below are salmon or bird garden stakes, or a butterfly puddling stone.

Please contact or 503-652-7477 x105, with your ideas (please check with us first before asking, as we are already working from the listing of last years generous donors) – thank you for supporting us!

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