Two Awesome Volunteer Trainings in January

Deepen your involvement with JCWC by joining one of our awesome volunteer teams in 2018. Email for questions, or to sign up!


  1. Creek Crew Leaders guide volunteer groups during 3 or more of our 35+ restoration events during the 2018 planting season. Find out all the training event details HERE.

During our one-day training we’ll cover all you need to know to support restoration events in the watershed including managing the registration table, leading safety talks, and hands-on tree planting. We will crown you with a rad JCWC Creek Crew beanie and send you home with a Creek Crew Leader manual!


-Leadership experience

-Make friends from different backgrounds

-Reference for applications to college, jobs, or scholarships

-Familiarity with Pacific Northwest species

  1. Parks Naturalist with Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks and Recreation, spending 2 or more hours each month in 2018. Find out all the training event details HERE.


During our evening training, you will learn about and choose one (or more) of 16 parks to care for during 2018. Parks Naturalists help us manage land in the watershed by getting more eyes on the ground, and help us understand more about the patterns of human and wildlife park activity.

What Parks Naturalists do:

Attend trainings and events

Visit your park each month

Interact positively w/visitors and staff

Complete naturalist journal entries each month (reporting on parks usage and conditions)


Photograph flowers, plants, observations


Document common and uncommon flora and fauna into inaturalist

Create bird list, post on ebird

Report feedback provided by other park visitors

Observations log in naturalist notebook

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