Wildflower Walk With the Deaf Community

On Saturday, the May wildflowers at Powell Butte Nature Park were scattered throughout the prairie grasses off the ADA trail near the visitor center. During our second event with the Deaf Community, we explored the wildflowers and the importance of prairie grasslands in the Willamette Valley followed by lunch with a beautiful view of wildlife and the mountains. Using visual aids, and in some cases our sense of smell, we were able to ID the flowers we found. The Oregon iris, Nootka rose, camas, and serviceberry were a few of the flowers we observed.

Our bilingual and inclusive events aim to provide safe programs for everyone in the watershed to enjoy the outdoors. The Deaf Community events are also opportunities to bring awareness and education to other trail users. Some tips for inclusive trail use include:

  • Use caution when passing on a bike
  • Pass slowly
  • Be kind!

Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday! Special thanks to our interpreter, Renee, for keeping the conversations going and making sure everyone was included. Be on the lookout for a September event for the Deaf Community with our partner, Leach Botanical Gardens!

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