michael babbit

Date of volunteer work: 08/03/2018.
Site Name: Erroll Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

On arrival from 45th stree, I first noticed the two large cottonwood trees that had fallen. Both were 14-16 inch DBH, and one had fallen and then taken down the other on the way. The first one had rotten roots, and it took out one that partial beaver chew at the base. One of them fell on the fence around the old electrical enclosure. Anyway, less shade all around.
The new pond by 45th is quite high, water flowing around the dam to enter the creek channel. The large pond level has also risen, though it is still choked with algae and duckweed. Lots of dragonflies around, like this eight-spot.
The trail is pretty quiet on a hot day, no visitors. I found yet another patch of clematis, this batch coming through salmonberry near the spring pond. Not likely to get rid of this, but I cut back as much as I could. There was more up the hill from it and I pulled it out of the trees. I’m making mental notes so I can return later to remove what I can.
Snowberry is setting fruit, and ninebark seed is ripening. I entered the info in Natures Notebook, and added pictures to iNaturalist/Erroll Heights.
It’s August, so maybe after the heat, fall will come.

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