Who’s That Bean?

Introduced being: Hazel Mei Jenkins (Corylus jenkinsii)

Characteristics: Hazel made the journey from womb to outside world in the very early morning of December 23, 2021, emerging in a birth tub with a full head of hair and her eyes wide open, 3.75 kg (8 lb 3 oz) and 53.34 cm (21 in). While little is known yet about her role in the ecosystem, we have observed her to be a fast learner, a sweet snuggler, and a good eater; late-night ice cream snacks are allowing her mother to stay ahead in the relentless competition for calories (barely). She possesses the ability to instantly melt human hearts with her big dark eyes and general cuteness, and is also capable of massively disrupting the sleep patterns of at least two other humans. Hazel is making a resilient recovery from a small surgical procedure needed to resolve a severe tongue-tie; she is in perfect health and growing fast.

Spread: Hazel generates feelings of Love even in people who have not yet met her; we encourage spreading this as widely as possible.

Control: Haha, yeah. Good luck with that.

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